Example Cron Schedules

The crontab schedule syntax is incredibly powerful considering how simple it is. That said, there are some common cron schedules that you'll use for most jobs. You can find a list of the most common ones below.

Most implementations of cron run their jobs at the given times in the UTC timezone. This helps avoid issues with time changes during the daylight saving time switch over but can be confusing when midnight isn't midnight in your time zone.

Every Minute
* * * * *
Every Five Minutes
*/5 * * * *
Every 10 Minutes
*/10 * * * *
Every 15 Minutes
*/15 * * * *
Every 30 Minutes
*/30 * * * *
Every Hour
0 * * * *
Every Two Hours
0 */2 * * *
Every Six Hours
0 */6 * * *
Every 12 Hours
0 */12 * * *
During the Work Day
*/5 9-17 * * *
Every day at Midnight
0 0 * * *
Every Two Weeks
0 0 * * Sun [ $(expr $(date +%W) % 2) -eq 1 ] && /path/to/command
At the Start of Every Month
0 0 1 * *
On January 1st at Midnight
0 0 1 1 *